The Mo is dead, long live the Mo

Good day supporters of our EDEU Movember experience.

Key facts

£160+ raised
4+ Moustaches grown

It is with deep regret that I must tell you that Movember is officially over. No longer will you be able to enjoy the hirsuteness (it’s a word, I think) of the EDEU gentlemen. As the razor loomed over the last wisps of lip carpet, exposing skin to the previously unknown wintery wind, we must remember exactly why our brave gents took on this journey.

When it comes to their health, too many men don’t talk, don’t take action and die too young. The Movember foundation supports men (and women) in their fight against mental health problems, inactivity, and prostate and testicular cancers. Men have a 14% higher risk of developing cancer than women and a 37% higher risk of dying from it – and if us growing ‘taches makes one person think about getting themselves checked out, then it is all worth it!

However, it’s not all about raising awareness. We have also been lucky to receive the generous financial support from friends, family and colleagues. As a team we have raised over £160 so far for men’s health projects. You can see updates and donate at

The Chuckle Brothers presented James (centre) with his 'Best Mo Award'
The Chuckle Brothers presented James (centre) with his ‘Best Mo Award’

So as a frost settles on our upper lips where hair once stood proud, we thank all those who supported us through the month of Movember. Whether it was a cash donation, a vote on a style, or even just a reminder we had cappuccino froth in our Mo’, we thank you.

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