Next generation digital learning environment – my thoughts

As I mentioned previously, the Jisc ‘Next Gen Digital Learning Environment’ strand is a perfect opportunity to rethink not only how technologies support learning, but how we build an educational system to reflect how we learn.
Continue reading “Next generation digital learning environment – my thoughts”

11 handy tips for student blogging

I received these tweets the other day:

I didn’t think I could answer it in less than 140-characters, so maybe a blog post might help (well, duh!)

So here is my go at a handy list to help students new to blogging.
Continue reading “11 handy tips for student blogging”

What is my point?

As some of you may know, I am due to become a father for the second time in October. This impending addition has made me think about the impact I have had on the world.

There are the obvious costs to the planet for sustaining my life. Whether that is CO2 released into the atmosphere, the waste I create, or the environmental toll caused by the production of my food.

There are also some positives… somewhere. Hopefully I have made some people happy (one married me, so can’t be too bad), but I know I have probably made some people sad. Beyond environmental or emotional, it is actions that we are judged on, so what have I added to humanity in my 30-odd years? Continue reading “What is my point?”

Award winning?

Adobe Spark (12)In a break from my usual rants, I will be doing some shameless self-promotion. For those of you with a sensitive disposition, please look away now.

Together with my team (Kerry Pinny and Chavan Kissoon), we are shortlisted for the ALT Learning Technologist of the Year award for our work on embedding Digital Capabilities at our institution.

We created a short video to summarise our work, using Peter Jackson’s definition of short when making our video. And that’s not all we took. Check it out:

You can read a short summary of our work on the ALT competition website here (; we are the 8th option down, so get scrolling.

Your chance to vote

As this is a public vote, it would be nice if you would be so kind to vote for us (obviously all the other options are equally great, but their videos don’t include Sean Bean).

Vote by tweet Vote by email

The deadline for voting is noon on 7 September, and the award will be presented at the ALT Annual Conference the same evening.

Only one vote counts from each twitter or email account, and for more information, go here:

Thanks again.